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Uncompressing a string

Uncompress content: gzuncompress()

To uncompress content/string previously compressed with gzcompress() you can use gzuncompress() function.

After that, you will obtain the initial string.

Combined with serialized we are going to implement the following workflow:

  • serialize an array;
  • compress the serialized array;
  • uncompress the compressed data;
  • unserialize the uncompressed content
$array = [
['product' => 'Desk', 'price' => 200],
['product' => 'Chair', 'price' => 100],
['product' => 'Bookcase', 'price' => 150],
['product' => 'Door', 'price' => 100],
// SERIALIZE the initial array
$string = serialize($array);
echo "Size after serialize : " . strlen($string) . PHP_EOL;
// COMPRESS the serialized initial array
$compressed = gzcompress($string);
echo "Size after compress : " . strlen($compressed) . PHP_EOL;
// UNCOMPRESS, the compressed string
$serialized = gzuncompress($compressed);
// UNSERIALIZE, and obtain the initial array