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Read file into array

Read file content: file()

If you want to be able to read a file, you can use the file() function. It puts the file contents into an array so you can work with it line by line or as a list. Assuming you have a list of countries in a text (.txt) file and you need to display the list, you can use the file() function to read the file and convert it to an array.

Here’s an example:

$countries = file('countries.txt');

The text file content:


In the example above, the output would be:

Array ( [0] => Australia [1] => Afghanistan [2] => Albania [3] => Algeria ........ )

The file() function parameters

The file() function has three parameters which are passed as arguments.

file ( $filename , $flags , $context )
  • $filename: is the path to the file.
  • $flags: is an optional parameter that can be one or more of the constants.
  • $context: allows you to specify a context for the file handle.

Below are the file constants:

FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATHSearch for the file in the include path.
FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINESSkip the newline at the end of the array element.
FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINESSkip empty lines in the file.

Adding options and context

// Retrieving the content of the current PHP file
// You can retrieve remote files also
//If you need to set some header, you can use the "context"
$opts = [
'http' => [
'method' => "GET",
'header' => "Accept-language: en\r\n" .
"Cookie: foo=bar\r\n"
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
filename: '',
context: $context

File types that can be handled

Various file types can be handled by the file() function, including:

  • Text files (*.txt): These are standard text files that contain plain, unformatted text.
  • CSV files (*.csv): These are comma-separated values files that contain tabular data.
  • HTML files (*.html, *.htm): These files contain HTML markup and can be read into an array.
  • XML files (*.xml): These are files that contain structured data in the XML format.
  • Log files (*.log): These are text-based files used to store a record of events or messages.
  • Config files (*.config, *.ini, etc.): These are files that store configuration data in a specific format.

File extensions are not a restriction on the file() function. In general it can read any text-based file. The result might not be as expected if the file contains binary data or non-textual data.